Living the good life as a 1%-er is a good stretch goal. But, let’s talk about the things we can easily control, shall we?
Recently, a question was posed on Reddit: “What is something you did that increased your quality of life so much that you wished you would have done it much sooner because it changed your life forever?”
Guess what? “Get more money,” didn’t make the list. Instead, people wrote about the little epiphanies, small changes and surprising hacks that truly changed their lives for the better. What’s more is the overwhelming support in the comments of the original posts. Readers chimed in with their own stories and results. Some of the posts got pretty emotional.
So, why do we make life so hard? And, how can we let go of the toxic thoughts and habits that hold us back? Well, read on. Even if you’re perfect, you’ll feel warm all over just reading about others finding their way.
1. Realizing the universe does not revolve around you.
2. Having the confidence to reach for what you want.
3. Just do the thing.
4. Make mornings easy with a super simple sock hack.
5. It’s okay to not know everything.
6. Love yourself.
7. Refresh your home and your life.
8. Eat good, wholesome food.
9. Get therapy if you need it.
10. Take care of your teeth.
That’s a damn fine list of things to do to make your life its absolute best.
Start some of these changes today and see where you are tomorrow.