Categories: Cute, Heartwarming
I can relate to this photographer’s sentiment – I never really knew my grandparents, and I have no photos with them.
Sujata Setia is a photographer in London, and one day she realized that she has no photographs of herself with her grandparents.
Setia began to focus on photographing grandparents with their grandkids wherever she travels. She said, “Not only has this project helped me rebuild memories of my childhood in a way…meeting and interacting with all the elderlies has really taught me so much about life.”
Take a look at these great photos that capture moments that will last a lifetime.
1. True love
2. Looks like a fairy tale
3. All in the eyes
4. Life lessons
5. Embrace
6. Generations
7. Kiss
8. Cute
9. Wonder what they’re talking about?
10. Perfect
What about you? Do you have a lot of snapshots with your grandparents?