Billy McFarland, Fyre Fest fraudster and Jersey Shore actor Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino’s prison BFF, is using his time in prison to pen the story of his life.

Photo Credit: Ian Moran (I to Z Photo + Video), CC BY-SA 3.0
McFarland is serving a 6-year prison sentence in the Otisville, New York, minimum security camp called Otisville Federal Correctional Institution. This is the same facility hosting former attorney and President Trump’s ex-lawyer Michael Cohen, former NFL player and rapist Darren Sharper, and the corrupt ex-New York Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos.
Expect their memoirs, probably, in the next few years? No one can play tennis all the time.
New York Magazine reported that McFarland’s girlfriend, a Russian model with a heart of gold and limited access to McFarland’s past named Anastasia Eremenko, reached out to editor Josh Raab with a curious email. Would he be interested in working with McFarland on getting the real story of Fyre Fest out there?

Photo Credit: Pxhere
Would he? WOULD HE?
Ten minutes later, Raab was on the phone with Eremenko herself, hearing details on McFarland’s come-back, which is going to include a self-published memoir with the working title of –
Are you ready?
– Promythus: The God of Fyre.

Photo Credit: Flickr
To get the project rolling, Eremenko offered Raab the pages she had typed from her locked-up lover’s handwritten draft. In it, McFarland chronicles his life’s tale starting from his first failure, a start-up in 2011, up until when the FBI knocked on his door in the days after the Fyre Fest disaster. All the names of the rich and famous shoulders with whom McFarland rubbed his own are listed.
Raab was also put in contact with McFarland’s publicist, Brandon Rubinshtein of Dog Shit Media, who also represents Dennis Rodman. Rubinshtein told Raab he envisions Fyre Fest coming back bigger and better than ever and even claimed Ryan Seacrest wants a piece of the action. Seacrest refutes the claim and is probably wondering how the hell he was dragged into this.

Photo Credit: Salpi Bezdjian (SBEZSTARZ365), CC BY 2.0
Alas, Raab had to wipe the tears of laughter from his eyes, turn the project down and get some real work done. But thanks to McFarland’s team neglecting to send over a non-disclosure agreement, Raab gets to talk all about it. Which is great because do we really want this to just go away?
I think, not.